eluceo (Latin); I shine out or forth.
I glitter, figuratively. I show myself, stand out.
I am apparent, manifest.
What we do —
We provide a space for you to reconnect to yourself. To shine. To become apparent. To stand out in the world. As you.
We are not just minds. We are not just bodies. We are so much more.
We work with you to reconnect to yourself. To learn mind and body awareness practices, strategies to help you heal the past and develop skills for self nourishment.
To find your inner light. Illuminate your inner wisdom. To learn to trust your own intuition.
We help you to build skills for healthy relationships. With others. With food. With movement. With sex & intimacy.
We work with you to create habits for sustainable shifts. To find enjoyment in your life. To identify your values and what is most important to you. To live your life in alignment with these.
To shine out. To stand out in the world. As you.
Our point of difference —
Human centred care.
We are clinicians.
We are highly skilled.
We are trained in the latest evidenced based treatment models.
We are also humans.
Who are not defined by our careers, jobs, labels or qualifications.
We see the limitations created by definitions, diagnostic labels and ‘problems.’
We wanted to create a space where we can work outside these boxes.
To truly see, hear and understand the humans we care for.
“I love to laugh. To me, life is about finding the joy, humour & beauty amongst the difficulty”
— Lucy Downey, Clinical Lead, elueco Woolgoolga
Treating the whole of you.
Mind-Body Medicine
Ashlea brings the elements of her medical, psychological, nutrition, meditation and embodiment training together to practise Mind-Body Medicine.
She integrates the medical with the psychological.
Helping you to cultivate and curate skills, strategies and practices which support your mind and body.
To make friends. With your mind. With your body. To find freedom within eating. Joy within movement. Comfort within your sexuality.
To find your creativity. Explore your sensuality. To embrace life.
Nutrition Counselling
Rebecca blends her training as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) with her experience to provide nutrition counselling that considers you, where you are at.
To shine a light on your journey. To find freedom within eating. Nourishing your body, free from restrictions.
To understand your relationship with food. To connect your mind with your bodies signals. Building trust in your body.
To integrate food as a natural, normal and enjoyable part of life.
To find comfort within yourself around food.
Connected Care
We want to know you. As a whole person. Not a diagnosis, a label or what is wrong with you. We know that takes time. And trust.
We take this time to get to know you. And for you to trust us.
We communicate with your existing health care providers to ensure your care is integrated.
“You don’t need to change who you are, or how you look in order to be worthy.”